Buckle the Hell up!

LisaMarie Helm
2 min readApr 10, 2021

Energizer bunny comes to mind. I’m banging around in my pantry best as I can, purging the bad choices, dumping out anything “white”, sugars, processed, carbs and so on. I’m god damn well bound and determined to set these wheels in motion of this new body that I have envisioned for myself, new functioning left side and all. I’m annoyed with the lack of nerve and muscle functions in my mouth but I’ve been assured that in due time it will happen, I want that due time to come bloody quickly! My brain firing on different cylinders, the thoughts spattering all over the place seems to be happening less frequently now. I’ve…



LisaMarie Helm

Stroke Survivor, Epilepsy Warrior, Dog lover and Nature and Travel worshipper. If it doesn’t bring you peace or delicious coffee, it’s not worth the worry💜