I’ve Goddamn well got this!

LisaMarie Helm
2 min readApr 8, 2021

I’m on a new journey, a new course a brighter path of renewal. I’m desperate for a healthier version of the old me or is it the new me, at times I seem to be teetering on the cusp of what I truly want. I’m longing for my old life and yet I know I needed this change or this stroke would not have presented itself in such a vicious way! The sun blinks through my livingroom blinds reminding me that this has become my makeshift bedroom and I’m craving the reprieve of my quiet bedroom. This week I’m going to challenge myself at every angle, every level of my rehab so I can push myself further harder to find out…



LisaMarie Helm

Stroke Survivor, Epilepsy Warrior, Dog lover and Nature and Travel worshipper. If it doesn’t bring you peace or delicious coffee, it’s not worth the worry💜