Snippets of a Mind.

LisaMarie Helm
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

Haze, fog, I’m sifting through it trying to clear its path, get my focus in line. Is this in my dream? Is it my reality? Has my sleep finally come without the night terrors consuming me in their violent death grip?! My mind is reeling like a fishing pole working double time, trying to capture an unbelievable sized piggy of a prize. I’m breathing spastically and now I realize I need to wake up, it’s indeed in my dreams. I am grateful for the fact that I didn’t have the dream about my stroke again, but this one was absolutely another wake up call telling me to evaluate another portion of my life. This life that I’ve been…



LisaMarie Helm

Stroke Survivor, Epilepsy Warrior, Dog lover and Nature and Travel worshipper. If it doesn’t bring you peace or delicious coffee, it’s not worth the worry💜