The good ol’ Mary Jane.

LisaMarie Helm
2 min readDec 24, 2020


My brain seems like it’s rapid firing today, much like a car that backfires, that loud obnoxious sound that startles one wide awake! I’m feeling very restless, anxious today, on a mission like that of the James Bond kind. The reverberating pain that shudders down my left side from my shoulder through my arm, elbow and into my hand is excruciating. This left leg that straggles along with not much feeling but has a ton of pain. Not to mention the debilitating headaches that come but don’t seem to leave, their permanent residency is fucken annoying at best. I know that I must find something that can help me with…



LisaMarie Helm

Stroke Survivor, Epilepsy Warrior, Dog lover and Nature and Travel worshipper. If it doesn’t bring you peace or delicious coffee, it’s not worth the worry💜